“Miraculous World, London: At the Edge of Time,” released on October 5, 2024, takes the beloved “Miraculous” franchise into new territory with an exciting animated adventure set against the historical backdrop of London. Directed by Thomas Astruc, the film brings Ladybug and Cat Noir to the city of Big Ben, where they must stop a new villain from altering the course of history.
The story follows Marinette (Ladybug) and Adrien (Cat Noir), voiced once again by Cristina Vee and Bryce Papenbrook, who find themselves in London chasing a villain known as “Chrono Master,” who has stolen an artifact capable of altering time. The duo’s chemistry is as charming as ever, with their witty banter and heartfelt moments shining through. The film also introduces new allies, including a spirited historian named Emily, voiced by Maisie Williams, who adds a fresh dynamic to the team.
The animation in “Miraculous World, London: At the Edge of Time” is nothing short of spectacular. The artists have brilliantly captured the essence of London, from its iconic landmarks like the Tower Bridge and Big Ben to the misty cobblestone streets of the old city. The time-travel sequences are visually stunning, with imaginative depictions of different historical eras, each brought to life with vibrant colors and intricate details that will captivate audiences.
While the film follows the familiar formula of the “Miraculous” series—villainous plots, superhero transformations, and the ever-present romantic tension between Marinette and Adrien—it introduces enough new elements to keep things fresh. The time-travel aspect adds an extra layer of intrigue, giving the characters more complex challenges to face. “Miraculous World, London: At the Edge of Time” is a delightful animated adventure that offers both thrilling action and heartfelt moments, making it a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike.